FOR OVER 18’S ONLY - Please ensure each person whose information you include in this form knows what will happen to their information and how it may be disclosed.
Name of Applicant(Required)
Date of Birth(Required)
Home Address inc Postcode(Required)
I consent to the club photographing or videoing my involvement in cricket in line with the club photography/video policy(Required)
I confirm that I have read and understood the permission statements on this membership form and the Club’s Privacy notice together with the Club’s policies as documented on the website I also confirm that I understand that I am responsible for payment of membership fees and match fees as detailed.
Payment Method(Required)
Please see membership fees below.
Please see membership fees below.
The Club is completing a skills audit of all its members and would be grateful if you could detail below any skills which you would be willing to offer to the voluntary run Club at any time: (eg. carpentry, cricket scoring, administration etc)


  • Card/Bacs/Cash £85.00 If paid by 30th April
  • Card/Bacs/Cash Student/Unemployed £65.00 If paid by 30th April
  • Card/Bacs/Cash £96.00 If paid after 30th April
  • Standing Order £8.00 per month (12 Months)
  • Standing Order £13.00 per month Including 100 club (12 Months)
Bacs and Standing Order payment details:-
Account name: Frome Cricket Club Account Number: 71666347 Account Sort Code: 40-21-19
Please remember to put your name as the reference
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.